AmigaActive (1101/1338)

Date:27 May 2001 at 20:16:53
Subject:more questions on the EZ key

Hello, all
I also am thinking of byuing the EZ key XL. I'm even more interested now that I
know that it supports mutiple keypresses. But I'd still like to know about how
the keymapping is configured. I know some KBD adapters have very silly
remapping. The keys I'm particularily interested in are CTRl is it where the
ctrl on a pc kbd should be or has it been mapped to work when you hold down caps
lock (daft idea me thinks)? Do F11 F12 do anything if so what? also what about
those keys between the kbd and the numberpad? What does the menu button do?
Currently on my Power KBD adapter Menu is Help ctrl is ctr, also delete is
delete and home is help. F11 for some strange reason is \|. even though its also
on the KBD ?!? I've swapped some of my keys over so that they are in similar
positions as the Miggy kbd ie. the ' key I've placed next to the 1. The key next
to the z ive sanded off as it doesn't do anything and the # key is next to the
; and the \ is next to that :).
Also any insight as to how all the various other functions on the EZ key
are mapped would be appreciated.


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